Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology
Virtual Microscope

- 8 legs (exception: some larval stages of ticks have only 6 legs)
- Without dorsal shield
- Spheric body
- The "head" (Capitulum) is hidden in nymphs and adult animals Palps resemble legs
- Ticks have capitulum («head» with mouth parts)
- Coxal organs
Life cycle
- Multiple egg laying (15-100 eggs)
- 4-5 nymphal stages
- Incomplete metamorphosis (hemimetabole development) (larvae look the same as adults)
- Multiple, short (about 30 minutes) blood meals
- many hosts
- localized distribution
- Tick-borne relapsing fever (Ornithodorus mubata)
- Primarily ectoparasites of birds