Plasmodium ovale

Virtual Microscope

Ring form

Ring form

- Enlarged RBCs

- Sometimes with fimbriated edges (oval)

- Schüffner's dots appear in the beginning and more pronounced than in P. vivax

Young trophozoite

Young trophozoite

- No more ringform

- Enlarged RBCs

- Sometimes with fimbriated edges (oval)

- Schüffner's dots appear in the beginning and more pronounced than in P. vivax

Growing trophozoite; Schüffner's dots

Growing trophozoite; Schüffner's dots

- Less ameboid trophozoite

- Enlarged RBCs

- Sometimes with fimbriated edges (oval)

- Schüffner's dots appear in the beginning and more pronounced than in P. vivax

Young schizont

Young schizont

- Immature schizont with three to four nuclei (chromatin)

- Pigment is not visible.

Mature schizont

Mature schizont

- Contains 8 merozoites

- Separately visible

- Pigment in 1 or 2 clumps

- Peripheral or central

Macrogametocyte / Microgametocyte

Macrogametocyte (left)

- Enlarged RBCs

- Chromatin small

- Eccentric and dark red

- Cytoplasm homogeneous

  • blue
  • without vacuoles
  • pigment scattered

Macrogametocyte smaller than the RBC


Microgametocyte (right)

- Chromatin mass larger than in microgametocyte

  • Eccentric or central
  • diffuse
  • light red

- Cytoplasm from light blue to pink

- Pigment finer; scattered

- Microgametocyte is smaller than the RBC.