Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology
This learning software allows beginners to gain experience in diagnosing the most important helminth and protozoan infections of humans. For this purpose, one can gain basic knowledge through short overviews of parasites, diseases, diagnostic methods and strategies. Even more important, one can train diagnostic capabilities using a virtual microscope. The course leads the student from basic training to more complicated diagnostic exercises. Our purpose is to facilitate a first approach to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. This programme cannot replace working with a real microscope or consulting diagnostic textbooks and atlases.
- Anna Stürmann, Medical Laboratory Technician
- Yvette Endriss, Senior Laboratory Technician
- Dr. Beatrice Nickel
- Prof. Dr. Peter Odermatt
- Dr. Joachim Pelikan
In Memoriam: Prof. Dr. Niklaus Weiss, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and Emeritus Professor of Medical Parasitology, University of Basel, Switzerland
Collaborators from Open Interactive:
- Julien Duseyau
- Nora Niederer
- Dalibor Simic
- Matthias Widmer
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the «Freie Akademische Gesellschaft» (FAG) in Basel and from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. Some elements of this programme were developed under «TropEduWeb», an earlier project partly funded by the Swiss Virtual Campus.